e-Invoice 45个classification code

【e-Invoice 45个classification code】

001-Breastfeeding equipment002-Child care centres and kindergartens fees003-Computer, smartphone or tablet004-Consolidated e-Invoice005-Construction materials (as specified under Fourth Schedule of the Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia Act 1994)006-Disbursement007-Donation008-e-Commerce - e-Invoice to buyer / purchaser009-e-Commerce - Self-billed e-Invoice to seller, logistics, etc.010-Education fees011-Goods on consignment (Consignor)012-Goods on consignment (Consignee)013-Gym membership014-Insurance - Education and medical benefits015-Insurance - Takaful or life insurance016-Interest and financing expenses017-Internet subscription018-Land and building019-Medical examination for learning disabilities and early intervention or rehabilitation treatments of learning disabilities020-Medical examination or vaccination expenses021-Medical expenses for serious diseases022-Others023-Petroleum operations (as defined in Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967)024-Private retirement scheme or deferred annuity scheme025-Motor vehicle026-Subscription of books / journals / magazines / newspapers / other similar publications027-Reimbursement028-Rental of motor vehicle029-EV charging facilities (Installation, rental, sale / purchase or subscription fees)030-Repair and maintenance031-Research and development032-Foreign income033-Self-billed - Betting and gaming034-Self-billed - Importation of goods035-Self-billed - Importation of services036-Self-billed - Others037-Self-billed - Monetary payment to agents, dealers or distributors038-Sports equipment, rental / entry fees for sports facilities, registration in sports competition or sports training fees imposed by associations / sports clubs / companies registered with the Sports Commissioner or Companies Commission of Malaysia and carrying out sports activities as listed under the Sports Development Act 1997039-Supporting equipment for disabled person040-Voluntary contribution to approved provident fund041-Dental examination or treatment042-Fertility treatment043-Treatment and home care nursing, daycare centres and residential care centers044-Vouchers, gift cards, loyalty points, etc045-Self-billed - Non-monetary payment to agents, dealers or distributors 
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